Being Forgiven by God
Have you ever done something you shouldn't have done? Said something you shouldn't have said? Thought something you shouldn't have thought? We all have. Welcome to the club. That's called "being human." We all make mistakes, and many times, our relationships and plans may suffer as a result. We all tend to have a sense of responsibility and an inner knowledge in our hearts when we've done something wrong or right. We may experience guilt and even shame. If you feel this way, it is natural to seek our healing and reconciliation to repair what has been injured. Programs and classes have emerged to solve this need for restoration many of us have when we've wronged a loved one or offended God by our choices.

What the Bible Says about Forgiveness
The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus that we read about in the New Testament of the Bible is ultimately the story of how we find atonement for our sins. It's by faith in Jesus and trusting Him as the master of our lives that God cleanses us from our sin and makes us right in His eyes - even when we regularly fail to meet His standards. Now, there is so much more to this story. And it is indeed the most incredible story ever told. And if you'd like a chance to dig deeper, learn more, and process how God can forgive you, click to get connected.
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