Forgiveness Is For Everyone
All of us have been wounded in some way by another person, mentally, emotionally, or even physically. Yet, forgiveness is a powerful tool to help us experience a greater degree of joy and freedom. While life can be filled with painful events and tragedies, we can rebound and move on quickly from life’s even most difficult situations when we wield forgiveness.
By withholding forgiveness, we think we’re hurting the other person when in reality, we’re hurting ourselves.

When you've been wounded by someone, forgiving them is not an easy thing to do.
Even when we understand the importance of forgiving others, forgiveness is not an easy feat. We must surrender our unforgiveness and our pain to God in prayer so that He can wash our hearts with a Word of healing and restoration. Prayer gives us a unique perspective as we align our thoughts and emotions with the will of God. If we truly understand how God has forgiven us, forgiving others becomes that much more of a priority to us. But let’s start right there. Please click to get connected. You’ll connect with someone who can help you gain a greater understanding of what it means to be forgiven by God and also help you along the path towards forgiving others.
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